2020 Pandemic

My thoughts on getting through the Pandemic

As the world is consumed with the impact of Coronavirus (Covid19), it is even more important than ever before to take excellent care of our minds and body. From my own personal experience and witnessing first hand what it has done to some, I know how dangerous high stress is, so allow me to share…

Why a calm mind and managing stress is important – Right now you need to know that stress has a negative effect on your immune system (the body’s lymphocytes are decreased). Meaning: the white blood cells that help fight off infection are reduced, leaving you more at risk for contracting viruses. Stress also fogs the mind – making it difficult to focus, concentrate and see things rationally.

Responding to Stress – As we are all individuals with varying differences, then it makes sense that the experience of stress is highly unique to each individual. What is totally overwhelming for one person may not even be perceived as stress by another. Therefore the symptoms and signs of stress will also be different for each person.

** Whenever you feel stressed – take a few long, slow & deep breaths, then exhale slowly, and change your state of mind by thinking about something pleasant **

Know  that  by  using  the  power  of  your  mind, you CAN control your Actions, Reactions and Habits.

** Be mindful of what you’re focusing on – even though we’re amidst uncertainty, one thing is for sure – our prominent thoughts and feelings will grow, so do be careful of what you choose to think.

** Currently our way of life, our freedom and financial security have been stripped – but know that this is will eventually come to an end. We can always look for positive alternatives in the meantime. Be aware of the grief process for these losses.

** Learn to accept and adapt for whatever comes – Whilst the current changes are numerous and extreme, the sooner we take solution based action that works for the good of all, the better off we will all be.

**Get the facts from reliable sources – choose the applicable official health and related websites rather than mainstream TV news and social media. Listen to more positive stories.

** Know that your emotional and physical well-being are a high priority for your immune system, and for a clear thinking brain. For the recovery and re-building of our damaged world and economy, we all need to be in peak condition – mind & body**

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