Share Workload

Major sources of stress can come from a task list that appears to be overwhelming (whether it is written down, or just in your head). That list could have too many items for the amount of time allocated. It could have pieces of work that are not in your skillset (which adds even more stress […]


When we don’t fully understand something, it can lead to stress or add to an already stressful situation. The dictionary definition of understanding mentions “having insight, or good judgement” and “being sympathetically aware of other’s feelings; tolerant and forgiving”, however the main definition is – “the ability to comprehend”. Sounds simple enough, right? Nonetheless, it […]

Money Management

Financial stress has been around for a very long time! Did you know that money is one of the top 5 reasons for divorce? It is also a contributor to some people who choose suicide. For many, there just doesn’t seem to be enough, and even the best budgeters can come up against some unplanned […]


“Thanks” – simple, yet ever so powerful! As our planet spins around and people are caught up in their own world, it may be easy for some to forget the art of appreciation. Small gestures throughout the day are often bestowed on strangers that may seem insignificant and perhaps even expected by the receiver, which […]

New Beginnings

Part of the process for achieving something new, is creating space for it. If you decide to buy a new lounge suite, you would either: sell, donate, relocate or throw out the old one, right? Therefore, when we want a particular intangible result, we’ll have to let go of certain thoughts and actions in order […]

2020 Pandemic

My thoughts on getting through the Pandemic As the world is consumed with the impact of Coronavirus (Covid19), it is even more important than ever before to take excellent care of our minds and body. From my own personal experience and witnessing first hand what it has done to some, I know how dangerous high stress […]

Beat the Winter Blues

It gets dark early, it’s cold and sometimes it’s wet – enough to send you straight to the couch with “comfort food”.  However, fast forward to Spring time and you’ll be paying the price with an out of shape and unhealthy body.  So how do we beat the winter blues without compromising our health? For […]

Dealing with Disappointments

We all have disappointments in life. We have our hearts set on something that we’d like to achieve, experience or have, but sometimes and unfortunately (apparently) we don’t get what we want. With a sunken heart, our energy drops into the duldrums and the door to a spin-off of negative thoughts opens. So, how to […]


Wow – a quarter of 2019 gone already! Anyone else feel like it was just “yesterday” when we were in holiday and New Year mode? How’s everyone tracking with this year so far? Are there any successes or delays with what you would have liked? Maybe it is a good time for a little self-reflection […]

Time to Detox?

Did Christmas, New Year and the Australia Day long weekend get you off track with being healthy? It could be a good idea to detox. A body detox is a bit like an oil change for a car – recommended to be done for optimal running. Detox doesn’t need to be hard, or lengthy. Simple […]