Create a better future

What we think, feel and do today is contributing to our tomorrows. We have the power of choice over our thoughts in any given moment. Even in moments of unpleasant circumstances or surroundings, the mind can create a nicer perception. What will you be in the process of creating today?

New Year New You

When a new year starts a lot of people choose to make resolutions, unfortunately most of those resolutions are dead and gone very quickly. You can achieve what you say you want with a secure and solid goal plan. Check out the Online Course options to Amplify your achievements! A

Time for Life Reflection

Usually at the end of December I take time to look back on the year passed and do some category assigning. These categories range from “don’t want or need to go through that again” through to “yes, more of that please!”  Life sure can seem like a roller coaster sometimes, right?! Anyway, for anything that […]

How to get back to a better frame of mind

The first and most important thing to do when you find yourself either: angry, anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed or stressed, is to change your state.  Even if it is just for 5-10 minutes while you explore problem solving options. As Albert Einstein said, you cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. Choose […]

Mind Body Soul – thoughts by D.

Enhance Your Mind Be mindful of your thoughts – feed your mind with positive words. Keep your brain hydrated with regular water intake. Enhance Your Body Be mindful of your intake – Feed your body with foods that nourish. Hydrate with water. Exercise regularly. Enhance Your Soul Be mindful of your soul/spirit – Take time […]

Positive Solutions

Around the middle of this year I had made a number of inquiries on a few different things and nearly every response was along the lines of “no, can’t do that” – full-stop. There was no ” but what we could try this ….”  So, I replied back to them asking “well, what is it […]

Hidden in the Mind (limiting beliefs)

Trying to achieve something, but you keep getting stuck and don’t know why? The answer most likely is due to your beliefs. The dictionary definition of belief states… “something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion; (and) that something exists (with or without proof)”. We’re constantly hearing and seeing words […]