FeaturedMind Body Soul – thoughts by D.

Enhance Your Mind

Be mindful of your thoughts - feed your mind with positive words. Keep your brain hydrated with regular water intake.


Enhance Your Body

Be mindful of your intake - Feed your body with foods that nourish. Hydrate with water. Exercise regularly.


Enhance Your Soul

Be mindful of your soul/spirit - Take time to relax, meditate and/or be with nature to soothe your soul.



Morning Mind Health

Did you know that it is really important to drink water soon after waking up? The brain has a higher percentage of water than our body does, therefore it is essential to keep it hydrated. Especially after a night of sleep, the brain needs it's dose of water, otherwise it will shrink - literally! Your body will thank you for that glass of water too 🙂

Another morning benefit is to feed your mind with positive, uplifting words and feelings. This helps to set the scene for the day ahead. You may have heard that many successful people choose to meditate and use affirmations in the morning and/or just before going to sleep at night. At the time of waking, our brain is still a little "drousy" so to speak, but it's actually a great time to plant what you would like to cultivate. Although there are 5 brain frequencies, I will just touch on 4 at this time. When we're properly asleep our brain is in "delta" and when we're awake our brain is in "beta". In between these two stages are "theta" and "alpha". When we're sleeping very lightly or in the first stage of waking up, we're in theta and will go through alpha before being fully alert. The mind is most impressionable during these theta and alpha states. Choose thoughts, words and feelings with wisely.

Body Fuel

The saying "You are what you eat" isn't entirely true - we don't look like a plate or veges or a bag of chips. However, we do REFLECT what we eat, what we drink and what we do physically, in some way - whether that be now or in the future. There maybe some people who appear to "get away" with eating (and/or drinking) unhealthy as they don't gain weight, but what is visible is not the whole picture! Think about the reality of what is actually going on inside our bodies? (organs, cells, joints, etc). What is poor nutrition actually doing to the body?

Each person's body is unique - with it's own optimal functions, requirements and reactions to what it is being fed. However, keeping to the basics of simple and "clean" eating will suit most bodies.

Then there are some people who think that because they're not fat that they don't need to exercise. However, exercise is not only for people who aren't their ideal weight, exercise is essential for every body in many ways.

If you think of the body as a machine (which it kind of is), it makes sense to put the correct fuel into it and to maintain it well in order to have it run smoothly and last longer.

Soulful Living

Remember, that by taking care of your mind and body - the soul is getting it's dose of care too. The soul really loves to connect with nature. And it also likes the mind/body to feel calm, so a moment of relaxation with soothing music is one action that can be easily taken.

Share Workload

Major sources of stress can come from a task list that appears to be overwhelming (whether it is written down, or just in your head). That list could have too many items for the amount of time allocated. It could have pieces of work that are not in your skillset (which adds even more stress by trying to figure things out). And it could have jobs that you really don’t like to do, so you end up procrastinating over them (which ripples into time-wasting and maybe negatively affects your psyche).

I’ve been guilty of ALL of those!

So, what do we do about it? … offload, delegate, outsource!

Offload is like delegating, however I tend to think of delegation in the workplace, and “offload” more on a personal level.  For example – in the home, with chores that can be shared.  Another example is with social and sporting groups, with planning and actioning certain tasks (find that person who likes to bake, or the one who likes to get creative with posters). When my daughter was little she thought a fluffy duster was fun, so I showed her how it works and got her doing the dusting! For less co-operative attitudes, perhaps try to offer a trade-off or incentive.

There is much to discuss on delegation, but I found a really great article already well written on the subject, check it out here…https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/soft-skills/delegating/

Recently I’ve been experimenting with outsourcing with little bits here and there, but now I’m going all in and handing over a whole lot of tasks that I’ve been struggling with. Just making the decision to do that was a huge relief! I’ll update on the outcome in a couple months.

Some of the points to be prepared for when outsourcing – yes, you will need to research for potential people/companies, then interview a few of them; and yes, you may find that it didn’t turn out as well as you like, meaning going thru the process again; yes there will be time used for instruction/training/explanation; and of course it will cost money. But it may turn out to be the best thing ever! I used to think that I couldn’t afford to outsource, however I learned the long and hard way that it was actually costing me money by not outsourcing! (because the desired results were not achieved with me trying to do it with little or no help). When money is tight, perhaps there could be some kind of contra-arrangement, or trade-swap (try thinking outside of the box for how it could be implemented). So, the upside – your time and energy will be put to better use elsewhere – like profit making tasks, or just improved work/life balance for you.

Can you think of where you could either: offload, delegate or outsource?


When we don’t fully understand something, it can lead to stress or add to an already stressful situation.

The dictionary definition of understanding mentions “having insight, or good judgement” and “being sympathetically aware of other’s feelings; tolerant and forgiving”, however the main definition is – “the ability to comprehend”. Sounds simple enough, right? Nonetheless, it sure can be hard sometimes!

An example scenario could be between us and technology, (how frustrating is it when “that button” didn’t do what we thought it would do?!) I bet there are many computers around the globe that were close to being thrown out the window (mine included).

Often the lack of understanding is between us and another person. Or maybe a group of people, like between the sexes, between generations, between cultures, and so on.  Years ago I bought the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” written by John Gray (because I felt that sometimes men spoke a completely different language!). These days there are websites, audible books, courses, YT videos and organisations to help parents understand their teenager (where were those options back in 2012 when I totally needed it?!)

So how do we increase our levels of understanding? For starters – we need to use (or develop) patience. Asking questions is always a good idea to gain more knowledge on any subject. Having an open mind to see things from the other person’s perception is recommended.

 “Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.”
― Lemony Snicket.

And I’ll finish off with the reminder to reach out for help whenever it is needed.

Money Management

Financial stress has been around for a very long time! Did you know that money is one of the top 5 reasons for divorce? It is also a contributor to some people who choose suicide.

For many, there just doesn’t seem to be enough, and even the best budgeters can come up against some unplanned events that throw them off track.  My personal financial history has included lots of great money habits, and also a few poor choices.

So what can we do to improve this important life essential?

The starting point is to know exactly where you are now –
1:(a) list your “liquid assets” (bank and saving account balances), and (b) your “short-term debts” (unpaid bills, credit card debt and any personal loans).
2: (a) write down your income details, and (b) your regular expenses (rent or mortgage payments, groceries, utilities, transport or vehicle costs, clothing, entertainment, etc). You may need to track your spending for a while to assist with this part.

Determine your priorities – what is important to you when it comes to money? You’ll need this to assist when creating a budget.

Make a plan (whether that is to reduce credit card debt or save for something big). Create a budget that is realistic and applicable to your current situation. There’s a great saying: “what gets measured, gets managed”.

Expect the Unexpected. We never know when a toothache requiring a root canal & crown will come along, or when our car needs major maintenance, or when the fridge will break down. Unfortunately some people lose their jobs, (which was prevalent due to covid). Having an “emergency” fund somewhere is a great idea to ease the burden of a financial blowout event. I remember hearing “save for a rainy day”.

Invest. Save as soon and as often as you can (even if it’s a small amount to begin with), then put that money into a secure way of it working for you. As Robert T. Kiyoski says “pay yourself first”.
Make sure you protect your wealth.

When it comes to debt – look into ways of reducing the interest charges and/or consolidating. Do you have things that you could sell to help pay it down?

When it comes to purchases and expenses – make sure you’re getting the best prices (think discounts, cheaper options). Look at where you can cut back, perhaps there are things you could make instead of buying.

Remember we have the power of mind to choose.

Most of us need to learn self-control in at least one way, whether that be managing money or something else. Having a goal and an accountability partner will help.

Feel free to get in touch with me if you’d like to know more or would like some guidance.


“Thanks” – simple, yet ever so powerful! As our planet spins around and people are caught up in their own world, it may be easy for some to forget the art of appreciation. Small gestures throughout the day are often bestowed on strangers that may seem insignificant and perhaps even expected by the receiver, which is a shame. How hard is it to say thanks, give a little smile, nod or wave?
“We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” – Albert Schweitzer

Being on the receiving end of acknowledgement, and feeling appreciated is a basic human need. Think about a time where you did something for someone and it wasn’t even mentioned, how did you feel? And how about another time when you did something for someone who showed great appreciation, how did that feel? The differences are like “chalk & cheese”, right?

Giving genuine appreciation not only contributes to a healthy dose of fuel for the soul, it can also motivate and lift a person’s mood. Many of us have had a variety of work bosses, and I’m sure we’d remember the praise, or lack of appreciation. I like this quote: “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

It’s also important to appreciate our own attributes, accomplishments and blessings. All too often we beat ourselves up for the things we didn’t tick off the to-do list, or the occasional mistake, but what about all the simple little things we DID do?! This quote kinda fits:  “You won’t be happy with more until you’re happy with what you’ve got.” -Viki King.

Let’s remember appreciation, great and small.

New Beginnings

Part of the process for achieving something new, is creating space for it. If you decide to buy a new lounge suite, you would either: sell, donate, relocate or throw out the old one, right?

Therefore, when we want a particular intangible result, we’ll have to let go of certain thoughts and actions in order to have success with it. This includes replacing old habits with new habits. Habits include the things we do AND think. It’s possible to habitually think in contrast to what we desire without being totally aware of it.

Where do we start with all of this? Similar to a GPS, or Google maps – in order to get to “point B”, we have to know what “point A” is. And the “point A” has to be accurate, otherwise the wrong route will come up. The exercise of finding our own starting point requires courage, honesty and self-compassion. That means being brave enough to look and face the truth, then being kind by refraining from any criticism.

Paul McKenna, the author of the books I chose to read for an assignment a few years ago believes we have “three selves”:
1. “pretend self” (what is put forward to the outside world)
2. “negative self-image” (the part that is feared to be true)
3. “authentic self” (who we truly are)

I like these 3 questions that he includes:
• “who are you when nobody is watching?”
• “if you felt totally safe, what would you do differently?”
• “who would you be if you lived beyond fear?”

I’ll leave you to ponder on that for a bit, and will come back with more in a few days.

2020 Pandemic

My thoughts on getting through the Pandemic

As the world is consumed with the impact of Coronavirus (Covid19), it is even more important than ever before to take excellent care of our minds and body. From my own personal experience and witnessing first hand what it has done to some, I know how dangerous high stress is, so allow me to share…

Why a calm mind and managing stress is important – Right now you need to know that stress has a negative effect on your immune system (the body’s lymphocytes are decreased). Meaning: the white blood cells that help fight off infection are reduced, leaving you more at risk for contracting viruses. Stress also fogs the mind – making it difficult to focus, concentrate and see things rationally.

Responding to Stress – As we are all individuals with varying differences, then it makes sense that the experience of stress is highly unique to each individual. What is totally overwhelming for one person may not even be perceived as stress by another. Therefore the symptoms and signs of stress will also be different for each person.

** Whenever you feel stressed – take a few long, slow & deep breaths, then exhale slowly, and change your state of mind by thinking about something pleasant **

Know  that  by  using  the  power  of  your  mind, you CAN control your Actions, Reactions and Habits.

** Be mindful of what you’re focusing on – even though we’re amidst uncertainty, one thing is for sure – our prominent thoughts and feelings will grow, so do be careful of what you choose to think.

** Currently our way of life, our freedom and financial security have been stripped – but know that this is will eventually come to an end. We can always look for positive alternatives in the meantime. Be aware of the grief process for these losses.

** Learn to accept and adapt for whatever comes – Whilst the current changes are numerous and extreme, the sooner we take solution based action that works for the good of all, the better off we will all be.

**Get the facts from reliable sources – choose the applicable official health and related websites rather than mainstream TV news and social media. Listen to more positive stories.

** Know that your emotional and physical well-being are a high priority for your immune system, and for a clear thinking brain. For the recovery and re-building of our damaged world and economy, we all need to be in peak condition – mind & body**

To receive a FREE pdf on all my top health tips on this topic, click here

Beat the Winter Blues

It gets dark early, it’s cold and sometimes it’s wet – enough to send you straight to the couch with “comfort food”.  However, fast forward to Spring time and you’ll be paying the price with an out of shape and unhealthy body.  So how do we beat the winter blues without compromising our health? For me personally, as someone who has suffered Seasonal Affect Disorder a few times in my lifetime, I’ve had to learn several ways to combat this…

*Acceptance – no amount of grumbling about it is going to change anything, and remember that it is just a temporary segment of the year.  Also be grateful that you’re not in an even colder location.

*Eat healthy – winter time is not a valid excuse to eat badly. Get creative in the kitchen with making soups, vege bakes and sugarless treats. Have pot luck dinner parties with friends.

*Embrace it – have fun with the winter clothes you haven’t worn for 9 months.  Think of activities that only occur during winter and try something new.

*Escape it – plan your holidays to a warm destination (preferably mid-late winter so you have something to look forward to).

*Make a list of all the things that make you smile and feel good then incorporate as many of these into your weekly routine.

*Move – exercise warms you up and releases endorphins that make you feel better. Don’t quit the gym – go more often!  If you’re not a gym person – go up and down a few flights of stairs several times, or something else to your liking, just keep your body moving!

*Pamper yourself – get a massage, get a facial, have a bubble bath, curl up with a good book.

*Sun exposure – make sure you get outside (maybe during your lunch break) and soak up at least 10 minutes of sunshine every fine day.

*Utilise the time effectively – since we’re more indoors for a few months, what projects have been neglected that you can now do?  For the boring or crap tasks, do them anyway with the promise of a nice reward when completed.

Dealing with Disappointments

We all have disappointments in life. We have our hearts set on something that we’d like to achieve, experience or have, but sometimes and unfortunately (apparently) we don’t get what we want. With a sunken heart, our energy drops into the duldrums and the door to a spin-off of negative thoughts opens. So, how to dust yourself off and move on? Here are my top 4 tips…

Acceptance – “It is what it is” and there’s not a lot (if anything) that can be done to change it now. Feeling down about something isn’t going to change it.

Choice over our thoughts – We all have the freedom to think the thoughts we do, and to assign a meaning or interpretation to everything around us. Therefore in any given moment we can choose to look at an unpleasant result and turn it around to be something to celebrate instead.

Power of Now – The past is a memory, the future isn’t here yet, so – right here, right now, is what matters the most. You can choose how you want to feel. Thoughts create how we feel. It’s better to feel happy rather than sad, right? What thoughts can you think to create a better feeling? For example, you could imagine that in the future that object you had wanted will have something “wrong” with it, and how lucky you are that you missed it. You can imagine something better instead.

Faith & Gratitude – Have faith that what is best for you is on it’s way. Be thankful for all the great things you already have.



Wow - a quarter of 2019 gone already! Anyone else feel like it was just “yesterday” when we were in holiday and New Year mode? How’s everyone tracking with this year so far? Are there any successes or delays with what you would have liked? Maybe it is a good time for a little self-reflection in order to give yourself some self-awareness and self-regulation.

Self-reflection is about taking a look back to see what you’re happy with, and what you might like to improve upon. It’s also about seeing if you are in alignment with your values.

I was looking for a little quote or “padding” to go with this subject and found a psychology website with pages and pages and more pages of questions, exercises and details all to do with self-reflection. Rather than open that can of worms (which seemed like 5 years of intensive therapy), let’s keep it simple! Just one question (to use as a base) – If this was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today?

For more than that one question, I’ve made a one-page checklist for self-reflection, let me know if you’d like a copy.

Time to Detox?

Did Christmas, New Year and the Australia Day long weekend get you off track with being healthy? It could be a good idea to detox. A body detox is a bit like an oil change for a car - recommended to be done for optimal running.

Detox doesn't need to be hard, or lengthy. Simple and short is fine. There are more ways than one to detox, it's just a matter of choosing the one that is a fit for you and what your body needs.

The method of detox will be different for the circumstance of the toxicity input. Meaning that if there was a lot of alcohol drinking, then the main concentration will be on the liver. Or if there was a lot of starchy foods then the herbs required will be different to that if there was a lot of sugary and sweet stuff.

Getting the advice of a natural health professional is highly recommended if you haven't done a detox before.

Feel free to contact me for help pointing you in the right direction and/or my personal tips for detoxing.