Create a better future

What we think, feel and do today is contributing to our tomorrows. We have the power of choice over our thoughts in any given moment. Even in moments of unpleasant circumstances or surroundings, the mind can create a nicer perception.

What will you be in the process of creating today?

Do something

New Year New You

When a new year starts a lot of people choose to make resolutions, unfortunately most of those resolutions are dead and gone very quickly. You can achieve what you say you want with a secure and solid goal plan. Check out the Online Course options to Amplify your achievements!


Time for Life Reflection

Usually at the end of December I take time to look back on the year passed and do some category assigning. These categories range from "don't want or need to go through that again" through to "yes, more of that please!"  Life sure can seem like a roller coaster sometimes, right?!

Anyway, for anything that wasn't so pleasant - there may have been a lesson in it somewhere, even if it's a simple warning on how to avoid anything similar in the future. After extracting the lesson, the experience can then be let go - as it is no good to keep hold of it anymore. Also it's not good to suppress, because it will just come back up again later. There's a difference between letting go and suppressing. Think of it like a beach ball and water - if you force it under the water, it will resurface when you relax your hold. Where as if you just let it go and pay no attention to it, it will just drift away.

As for the good stuff - well done! Celebrate the successes. Look for ways you can repeat or even improve on the great experiences if that is what will be beneficial to your future plans.

During reflection time it can be easy to slip into comparison mode. But do NOT compare to anyone other than yourself! You don't know the other person's journey, and you don't know their entire big picture - they may succeed in one area, but fail miserably in another area. We are all unique and have differing sets of values and priorities. Here's a good quote (unknown author) “Everything in life is easier when you don’t concern yourself with what everybody else is doing.”

Have kindness and compassion for yourself as you reflect. Think about what you'd like to take with you into 2019 and what you can happily say goodbye to.



How to get back to a better frame of mind

The first and most important thing to do when you find yourself either: angry, anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed or stressed, is to change your state.  Even if it is just for 5-10 minutes while you explore problem solving options.

As Albert Einstein said, you cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.

Choose to step into the role of someone who would look at the current scenario in a rational and impartial manner.

Changing your state will take some effort, and its best to take a few long and deep breaths as you step out of where you were and into that new role. Use the power of your imagination to re-create the scene.

Maybe the issue needs to be written down, and then you can brainstorm possible solutions.

Mind Body Soul – thoughts by D.

Enhance Your Mind

Be mindful of your thoughts - feed your mind with positive words. Keep your brain hydrated with regular water intake.


Enhance Your Body

Be mindful of your intake - Feed your body with foods that nourish. Hydrate with water. Exercise regularly.


Enhance Your Soul

Be mindful of your soul/spirit - Take time to relax, meditate and/or be with nature to soothe your soul.



Morning Mind Health

Did you know that it is really important to drink water soon after waking up? The brain has a higher percentage of water than our body does, therefore it is essential to keep it hydrated. Especially after a night of sleep, the brain needs it's dose of water, otherwise it will shrink - literally! Your body will thank you for that glass of water too 🙂

Another morning benefit is to feed your mind with positive, uplifting words and feelings. This helps to set the scene for the day ahead. You may have heard that many successful people choose to meditate and use affirmations in the morning and/or just before going to sleep at night. At the time of waking, our brain is still a little "drousy" so to speak, but it's actually a great time to plant what you would like to cultivate. Although there are 5 brain frequencies, I will just touch on 4 at this time. When we're properly asleep our brain is in "delta" and when we're awake our brain is in "beta". In between these two stages are "theta" and "alpha". When we're sleeping very lightly or in the first stage of waking up, we're in theta and will go through alpha before being fully alert. The mind is most impressionable during these theta and alpha states. Choose thoughts, words and feelings with wisely.

Body Fuel

The saying "You are what you eat" isn't entirely true - we don't look like a plate or veges or a bag of chips. However, we do REFLECT what we eat, what we drink and what we do physically, in some way - whether that be now or in the future. There maybe some people who appear to "get away" with eating (and/or drinking) unhealthy as they don't gain weight, but what is visible is not the whole picture! Think about the reality of what is actually going on inside our bodies? (organs, cells, joints, etc). What is poor nutrition actually doing to the body?

Each person's body is unique - with it's own optimal functions, requirements and reactions to what it is being fed. However, keeping to the basics of simple and "clean" eating will suit most bodies.

Then there are some people who think that because they're not fat that they don't need to exercise. However, exercise is not only for people who aren't their ideal weight, exercise is essential for every body in many ways.

If you think of the body as a machine (which it kind of is), it makes sense to put the correct fuel into it and to maintain it well in order to have it run smoothly and last longer.

Soulful Living

Remember, that by taking care of your mind and body - the soul is getting it's dose of care too. The soul really loves to connect with nature. And it also likes the mind/body to feel calm, so a moment of relaxation with soothing music is one action that can be easily taken.

Positive Solutions

Around the middle of this year I had made a number of inquiries on a few different things and nearly every response was along the lines of "no, can't do that" - full-stop. There was no " but what we could try this ...."  So, I replied back to them asking "well, what is it that you can do?"  The point of this is to highlight that many people are not thinking outside the box to provide a positive solution.  In Coaching there is opportunity to explore possibilities, because there is a happy answer out there somewhere, it just takes an open mind to expanded awareness.



Hidden in the Mind (limiting beliefs)

Trying to achieve something, but you keep getting stuck and don’t know why? The answer most likely is due to your beliefs. The dictionary definition of belief states… “something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion; (and) that something exists (with or without proof)”.

We’re constantly hearing and seeing words and opinions from so many sources in our environment. Some of these we consciously choose to believe and some that we don’t. However, when we were children our beliefs were formed with no (or very little) informed decision making skills. Most of these beliefs now lie hidden in our subconscious minds and influence us in our life without any conscious awareness. Many of these beliefs aren’t even in alignment with our current conscious thoughts, yet they often form the basis of our behaviour. Some of these beliefs may serve us well and some will be limiting us (holding us back), and they are known as limiting beliefs.

Whilst it may be challenging to identify the exact origin or scenario that created the limiting belief in the first place, it is possible to at least acknowledge the area of your life that it is negatively affecting. From that place we can logically challenge the limiting belief, because it isn’t really true now, in this moment. What is important to note is that in any given point of time, we have the power of choice with how to think, feel and behave. Thoughts, feelings and behaviour all intertwine together and back again. When the thought is changed, then the feeling will change; and when the action is changed, so does the feeling. There are techniques to support positive change, some of which will be covered in future writings.