Time to Detox?

Did Christmas, New Year and the Australia Day long weekend get you off track with being healthy? It could be a good idea to detox. A body detox is a bit like an oil change for a car - recommended to be done for optimal running.

Detox doesn't need to be hard, or lengthy. Simple and short is fine. There are more ways than one to detox, it's just a matter of choosing the one that is a fit for you and what your body needs.

The method of detox will be different for the circumstance of the toxicity input. Meaning that if there was a lot of alcohol drinking, then the main concentration will be on the liver. Or if there was a lot of starchy foods then the herbs required will be different to that if there was a lot of sugary and sweet stuff.

Getting the advice of a natural health professional is highly recommended if you haven't done a detox before.

Feel free to contact me for help pointing you in the right direction and/or my personal tips for detoxing.