
Chat with Megan Althen

Ms Australia ICN Pro 2019

Today I’m talking with Megan Althen, Ms Australia ICN Pro 2019.

Firstly, congratulations Megan, during the month of May and first weekend in June you had 5 competitions and won a lot! Congratulations! 

What were your wins?

1x Pro Card,

3x Overall ,

10x 1st Places and

2x 2nd places

Well done, especially since you had never competed before!

Please start at the beginning - what made you decide to enter the competitions?

I wanted to prove to myself and to my clients that with proper mindset, Nutrition and determination that anything is possible and that you can achieve your health and fitness goals .

I also love a good challenge and was keen to increase my training intensity to the highest level to see how my body reacts

And tell us about the planning. You had so much to consider with juggling work, running a PT business, being a Mum and wife, you must have had a crazy schedule?

My Life is hectic at the best of times. 

I have my husband, 4 children and 2 x businesses that I had to fit in around the crazy training schedule. I had a weekly timetable set for my work and training hours, husbands work hours and the children’s sports and training days etc 

I am lucky that I have flexible clients that were very understanding and accommodating during my comp prep. 

Preparation is the key to success. 

Did you need to call on people to support you in anyway?

My Husband had my back 100 % the whole way. I could not have done as well as I did without his help. He made my meal prep every night, made sure the children were organised with all their sport and he motivated me when I needed that extra push. My family also helped with the children when I had to travel or when I had to squeeze any extra trainings in. 

I am really lucky that I had a great support network behind me.

You were fortunate to have your husband’s help with all your meals and change in eating.

How about the increase in your weight-training exercise, was there much extra time for that?

Yes, with my husband making all  my special meals that was one less thing I had to worry about as you have to weigh every thing you eat. 

I was training at least  6 x 2 hour training sessions each week . Some nights I was training at 10pm.

As we both know, mindset comes into play heavily with something as big as this.

How did you manage that, and what got you through the tough days?

I was determined to be the best I could be. I would visualise myself up on stage and where I wanted to be.

Some days were definitely harder then others but you just learn to push through one step one rep at a time.

What do you feel were the biggest motivators for you?

My family and supporters - their love and kind words of encouragement. 

I also really wanted to win a Pro card. 

You would have been tracking your progress throughout the process, right?

Yes I had an amazing Body building Coach, Ms Rose-Marie Cherry who I would check in with every week.

Body Fat and measurements were taken as well as any nutrition adjustment if changes needed to be made. 

There are a number of personal development books and courses presenting a variety of steps to achieve success with a goal. I believe that some goals need more work than others, however from personal experience I have also discovered some of my own success came with just a decision, action, determination, belief and confidence. .

I notice from what you’ve said so far, that you also had desire, support and visualisation.

 What do you consider were your main steps to success?

I totally agree with you.

You need to set a goal and make the appropriate steps in order to achieve it. Preparation, determination and consistency.

Just to recap - Megan had Decision, Desire, Goal with a plan of action, Support, Accountability, Belief, Determination, Confidence and Consistency – and you’ll find all these and more are in my online program, click here for more details 

Out of curiosity, what are your top 3 favourite reasons to exercise?

To help manage physical and mental stress of every day life.

To be strong and healthy

To feel happier and increase energy levels

Love those!

Thank you Megan and once again congratulations.  Now, for anyone who would like to be trained by a pro, you can find Megan at Anytime Fitness South Tweed during the weekdays, and at Lorna Jane Coolangatta on Saturday mornings.