Mind Power Coaching


Are you ready for a healthy body transformation?

But deep down part of you isn't 100% sure that you'll make it?

How many times have you said that you're going to exercise more?

How many times have you said that you're going to eat better?

How long did you stick with it?

"Life" got in the way, right? 

You had to stop to take care of..... , then there was this party, and ......

Always something coming up to steal your time, yep

No worries, we've all been there in one way or another

Wouldn't it be nice to "go the distance" and get it done?

Imagine showing off your great body in a new outfit and hearing the compliments roll in


Mind Power Coaching - to enhance your health goal

For those who have just started (or wanting to start) a new fitness regime and/or diet.

Then you'll want to power up for success with this session…

You may have heard Tony Robbins state that 80% of success is psychological, whether that is an accurate percentage or not, mindset is definitely vital for achieving long lasting results.

mind puzzle


Add exercise to your routine, get better with the way you eat & drink, yes, you should see some positive changes, however when you add mind power to the mix - now you’re really getting there!

Mindset is the missing piece of the puzzle.


Perhaps you’ve been where you are now before, and here you go again, but this time - would you prefer to achieve your goal and stay that way?

This powerful coaching session will: 

  1. Clarify your “why” (reason for wanting to make change)
  2. Discuss your unique obstacles and how to deal with them
  3. Provide detailed action steps
  4. Reveal techniques to keep you on track

All helping you to get to where you want to be faster and easier and to sustain it.

You’ll start with a pre-session discovery questionnaire. Next part is your 45 minute coaching session by phone,skype or zoom. Lastly, you’ll receive your own unique goal plan, reminders of the main points we covered on the call, and further tips to keep you on track, all for only $99.



Get that healthy body you've dreamed of!

man yoga woman

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