Hidden in the Mind (limiting beliefs)

Trying to achieve something, but you keep getting stuck and don’t know why? The answer most likely is due to your beliefs. The dictionary definition of belief states… “something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion; (and) that something exists (with or without proof)”.

We’re constantly hearing and seeing words and opinions from so many sources in our environment. Some of these we consciously choose to believe and some that we don’t. However, when we were children our beliefs were formed with no (or very little) informed decision making skills. Most of these beliefs now lie hidden in our subconscious minds and influence us in our life without any conscious awareness. Many of these beliefs aren’t even in alignment with our current conscious thoughts, yet they often form the basis of our behaviour. Some of these beliefs may serve us well and some will be limiting us (holding us back), and they are known as limiting beliefs.

Whilst it may be challenging to identify the exact origin or scenario that created the limiting belief in the first place, it is possible to at least acknowledge the area of your life that it is negatively affecting. From that place we can logically challenge the limiting belief, because it isn’t really true now, in this moment. What is important to note is that in any given point of time, we have the power of choice with how to think, feel and behave. Thoughts, feelings and behaviour all intertwine together and back again. When the thought is changed, then the feeling will change; and when the action is changed, so does the feeling. There are techniques to support positive change, some of which will be covered in future writings.