

Wow - a quarter of 2019 gone already! Anyone else feel like it was just “yesterday” when we were in holiday and New Year mode? How’s everyone tracking with this year so far? Are there any successes or delays with what you would have liked? Maybe it is a good time for a little self-reflection in order to give yourself some self-awareness and self-regulation.

Self-reflection is about taking a look back to see what you’re happy with, and what you might like to improve upon. It’s also about seeing if you are in alignment with your values.

I was looking for a little quote or “padding” to go with this subject and found a psychology website with pages and pages and more pages of questions, exercises and details all to do with self-reflection. Rather than open that can of worms (which seemed like 5 years of intensive therapy), let’s keep it simple! Just one question (to use as a base) – If this was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today?

For more than that one question, I’ve made a one-page checklist for self-reflection, let me know if you’d like a copy.