Beat the Winter Blues

It gets dark early, it’s cold and sometimes it’s wet – enough to send you straight to the couch with “comfort food”.  However, fast forward to Spring time and you’ll be paying the price with an out of shape and unhealthy body.  So how do we beat the winter blues without compromising our health? For me personally, as someone who has suffered Seasonal Affect Disorder a few times in my lifetime, I’ve had to learn several ways to combat this…

*Acceptance – no amount of grumbling about it is going to change anything, and remember that it is just a temporary segment of the year.  Also be grateful that you’re not in an even colder location.

*Eat healthy – winter time is not a valid excuse to eat badly. Get creative in the kitchen with making soups, vege bakes and sugarless treats. Have pot luck dinner parties with friends.

*Embrace it – have fun with the winter clothes you haven’t worn for 9 months.  Think of activities that only occur during winter and try something new.

*Escape it – plan your holidays to a warm destination (preferably mid-late winter so you have something to look forward to).

*Make a list of all the things that make you smile and feel good then incorporate as many of these into your weekly routine.

*Move – exercise warms you up and releases endorphins that make you feel better. Don’t quit the gym – go more often!  If you’re not a gym person – go up and down a few flights of stairs several times, or something else to your liking, just keep your body moving!

*Pamper yourself – get a massage, get a facial, have a bubble bath, curl up with a good book.

*Sun exposure – make sure you get outside (maybe during your lunch break) and soak up at least 10 minutes of sunshine every fine day.

*Utilise the time effectively – since we’re more indoors for a few months, what projects have been neglected that you can now do?  For the boring or crap tasks, do them anyway with the promise of a nice reward when completed.